Light Up A Room…IN STYLE!

 So one of the secrets to having an awesomely fabulous room is Lighting. Well placed lighting can make a room look 10x larger than it actually is! But lighting doesn’t have to drab, it can be a focal point and something that can bring the whole room together. But lets face it, the high fashion lampshades, the ones we all really want, are EXPENSIVE! So why not just create your own? Pendant lampshades, like the ones above, can be purchased cheaply at goodwill for around $7 – $10.  These lampshades will typically be plain or have an outdated print. Once you’ve got you’re lampshade in hand, next comes the Supplies. Head over to your local hardware store and they will be happy to help you find exactly what you need!



2)Wallpaper (your choice of course)

     4) Elmer’s Glue3) Paint Brush

5) Electrical Tape, your choice of color.

6) Scissors

First, roll out you wallpaper and lay your old drab lampshade on it’s side and measure from top to bottom, making a mark at each point. Then cut a long strip, keeping the width even. You could use a tape-measurer, but why spend the extra money if you don’t have one? You can wing it. I always over cut the strip, better to have too much, than too little. Next, take your glue poor some of it into a cup or disposable container. Grab the paint brush, and cover the lampshade with a nice layer of glue. (be sure to put a cover down for your floor!) Slowly begin to cover the lampshade with the wallpaper. Going slow and periodically smoothing, will keep out the air bubbles and create a professional look. After that’s done, let it dry.

Once dry, the edges will look a little unfinished, so for a truly professional look, use that electrical tape you bought earlier to cover the edges, this will really give this lampshade some pop! And Wala! Now you’re done! A beautiful lampshade to go with your great decor! 😀